Swear In Ceremony

In front of the ambassador's house after swear in.

In front of the ambassador’s house after swear in.

We swore in as official Peace Corps volunteers on April 25th. We had a very nice ceremony at the ambassador’s residence in Lusaka (after seeing the compound I decided I’d be available to take the vacant seat as ambassador).

Luckily they had set up a big tent as we were welcomed with heavy rains all morning. But the Zambians ensured us that unexpected rain is a sign of good luck.

There were a number of dignitaries on hand for the occasion, and many speeches, one of which was given by Mariah, in our local language-Bemba.
Luckily the rains cleared up in the afternoon and we were able to snap a few pictures.

Some of the citenge patterns here are pretty loud, but there are wilder ones out there still.

Some of the citenge patterns here are pretty loud, but there are wilder ones out there still.

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